The Most Recent Match Results, will be Listed
at the Top of this Page Just Below this Message.

The Next Oldest will be Listed Just Below that, with
the Oldest Match Results at the Bottom of this Page

Cowboy Division Abbreviations
B Buckaroo 49er Forty-Niner
CB Cattle Baron FCGF Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter
CCB Classic Cowboy LS Lady Senior
CB Cowboy S Senior
D Duelist SGF Senior Gunfighter
EP El Patron SS Silver Senior
ES Elder Statesmen YG Young Gun


Cowboy Action Match Results
July 20, 2024

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Papa Two Guns 49er 243.67 45.73 40.26 34.47 46.96 36.48 39.77
2 Nerherder CB 288.02 46.69 59.87 41.62 48.39 39.64 51.81
3 Sequoia Kid ES 359.49 49.15 90.97 51.22 55.84 56.71 55.60
4 Bigalow Ranger SS 379.62 54.71 86.31 46.74 66.52 58.39 66.95
5 Slow Gun Murphy ES 405.94 76.31 86.23 74.28 60.09 53.71 55.32
6 Dustin Checotah D 413.44 63.32 101.70 62.43 68.56 51.24 66.19
7 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 434.03 58.20 99.74 68.22 71.55 65.83 70.49
8 Bandit CB 584.37 122.28 122.89 71.53 98.80 89.81 79.06
9 Trapper Charlie SS 593.93 89.73 161.49 94.64 85.35 79.25 83.47
10 Smiling John EP 894.50 96.68 200.65 149.71 160.48 154.71 132.27

Clean Shooters
July 20, 2024
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Finish
Smiling John 39299 El Patron 894.50 10 10

Alias Score Place

Cowboy Action Match Results
March 16, 2024

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry CC 208.28 54.88 40.52 12.73 9.00 45.07 46.08
2 Papa Two Guns 49er 211.90 54.27 35.78 21.59 15.00 43.80 41.46
3 Trapper Charlie SS 345.36 70.50 56.20 35.98 60.10 68.07 54.51
4 Dustin Checotah D 347.44 76.78 64.81 40.91 25.00 72.05 67.89
5 Sequoia Kid ES 349.88 76.88 45.39 43.32 63.60 59.56 61.13
6 Dead Eye Dave CB 351.86 105.70 59.63 46.69 19.00 63.57 57.27
7 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 386.92 77.37 77.21 30.66 46.00 81.92 73.76
8 Smiling John EP 628.97 169.52 111.82 61.55 71.30 99.58 115.20

Clean Shooters
March 16, 2024
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Finish
John Henry 66825 Classic Cowboy 208.28 1 2

Alias Score Place
John Henry 66825 36.15 1
Sequoia Kid 50.57 2
Papa Two Guns 999063 69.13 3
Dustin Checotah 45923 69.58 4
Smiling John 39299 70.83 5
Trapper Charlie 81.93 6
Thompson Brook Larry 80687 83.51 7
Dead Eye Dave 56.89 8

Cowboy Action Match Results
January 20, 2024

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry CC 211.08 48.15 34.65 37.52 11.00 44.41 35.35
2 JC James WR 225.14 57.85 28.79 47.74 4.00 51.40 35.36
3 Papa Two Guns 49er 238.46 47.06 49.55 47.77 15.00 41.46 37.62
4 Ripley Scrounger S 246.34 67.50 33.99 41.17 16.00 44.09 43.59
5 Rimfire EP 289.31 65.28 42.75 53.38 19.00 56.38 52.52
6 Trapper Charlie SS 328.92 76.45 48.89 50.32 14.00 77.47 61.79
7 Bigalow Ranger SS 330.50 62.76 42.10 53.31 47.00 64.26 61.07
8 Dustin Checotah D 353.74 69.27 65.06 51.88 25.00 63.13 79.40
9 Sequoia Kid ES 357.01 83.13 48.51 59.03 53.20 62.13 51.01
10 Dead Eye Dave CB 360.14 97.73 66.43 64.58 18.00 57.12 56.28
11 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 373.55 62.06 78.58 73.70 55.20 57.88 46.13
12 Hessian SS 454.76 121.57 69.66 98.85 24.00 71.21 69.47
13 Smiling John EP 591.04 118.83 102.30 94.71 49.00 100.64 125.56
14 Easy Rider SS 651.94 128.07 122.61 127.16 53.00 122.58 98.52

Clean Shooters
January 20, 2024
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Finish

Alias Score Place
Papa Two Guns 999063 45.91 1
Ripley Scrounger 46756 53.41 2
Sequoia Kid 54.79 3
Rimfire 999022 63.34 4
Thompson Brook Larry 80687 66.80 5
Trapper Charlie 68.95 6
Dustin Checotah 45923 89.61 7
Hessian 106.91 8
Bigalow Ranger 83277 123.61 9
Smiling John 39299 129.32 10
Easy Rider 137.22 11


Cowboy Action Match Results
July 15, 2023

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry CC 314.71 53.08 71.60 48.65 47.28 45.44 48.66
2 Papa Two Guns 49er 322.37 45.33 83.64 46.65 48.11 56.50 42.14
3 JC James WR 339.98 66.50 83.71 40.59 44.07 54.53 50.58
4 Dustin Checotah D 442.75 62.58 136.66 56.28 67.13 61.05 59.05
5 Rimfire EP 483.61 62.22 132.12 61.58 75.18 82.00 70.51
6 Slow Gun Murphy ES 506.04 72.13 136.23 88.34 64.45 83.07 61.82
7 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 515.56 69.80 138.86 95.18 71.53 69.78 70.41
8 Bigalow Ranger SS 527.41 67.26 153.61 78.29 63.57 103.67 61.01
9 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 537.79 104.81 97.39 68.21 85.04 90.54 91.80
10 Dead Eye Dave CB 583.60 76.35 152.18 76.17 100.92 106.18 71.80
11 Sequoia Kid ES 647.21 131.66 150.89 75.89 100.96 92.87 94.94
12 Bandit Joe Ames S 715.12 101.44 164.73 98.89 97.97 124.12 127.97
13 Smiling John EP 1034.03 167.46 245.72 119.98 131.89 200.28 168.70

Clean Shooters
July 15, 2023
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 2

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Finish
999063 Papa Two Guns 49er 322.37 2 2
39299 Smiling John El Patron 1034.03 13 13

Alias Score Place

Cowboy Action Match Results
April 1, 2023

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 JC James CB 213.60 41.49 48.69 43.36 2.00 40.18 37.88
2 John Henry D 220.02 45.68 32.54 36.30 19.00 42.57 43.93
3 Hook M Upp WR 251.08 52.58 35.92 41.67 33.00 41.46 46.45
4 Sequoia Kid SS 301.47 64.39 54.96 54.17 26.00 60.12 41.83
5 Rimfire CAT 327.65 73.79 51.53 33.29 42.40 61.21 65.43
6 Trapper Charlie SS 341.96 73.58 61.85 61.25 15.00 67.73 62.55
7 Dead Eye Dave CB 374.71 95.65 61.56 67.43 20.00 71.00 59.07
8 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 375.69 71.94 59.76 61.66 61.40 63.34 57.59
9 Dustin Checotah D 404.60 72.12 78.78 86.99 23.00 71.45 72.26
10 Hessian SS 463.38 80.10 68.28 63.64 76.20 77.46 97.70
11 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 476.68 121.71 55.70 70.99 64.00 95.42 68.86
12 Scout SS 518.12 105.84 72.35 81.53 73.00 93.40 92.00
13 Smiling John CAT 729.32 143.84 102.84 109.66 64.80 161.03 147.15

Clean Shooters
April 1, 2023
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 0

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Finish

Alias Score Place
Trappa 43.51 1
Thompson Brook Larry 47.67 2
Hook M Upp 50.85 3
Rimfire 51.57 4
Dead Eye Dave 62.96 5
Scout 70.46 6
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 75.71 7
Dustin Checotah 82.06 8
Hessian 88.37 9
Smiling John 122.23 10

Cowboy Action Match Results
March 4, 2023

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 246.08 47.79 39.19 40.73 14.00 54.17 50.20
2 Ripley Scrounger S 256.00 41.77 40.39 43.71 30.00 56.46 43.67
3 Trapper Charlie SS 353.65 67.94 64.57 64.08 10.00 66.46 80.06
4 Dustin Checotah D 376.67 61.82 56.86 80.46 38.80 68.78 69.95
5 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 381.06 61.39 57.23 75.02 59.00 69.85 58.57
6 Dead Eye Dave CB 401.21 76.99 83.17 80.67 18.00 74.86 67.52
7 Smiling John CAT 892.47 158.69 191.43 137.63 97.20 166.24 141.28

Clean Shooters
March 4, 2023
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Finish
Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 381.06 5 4

Alias Score Place
Thompson Brook Larry 71.68 1
Trapper Charlie 72.73 2
Dustin Checotah 78.72 3
Ripley Scrounger 79.20 4
Dead Eye Dave 104.54 5
Smiling John 170.76 6

Cowboy Action Match Results
February 11, 2023

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger S 259.94 51.61 43.66 46.71 32.00 41.78 44.18
2 Papa Two Guns 49 271.69 48.45 47.47 48.42 38.00 39.89 49.46
3 John Henry D 286.34 48.30 38.47 70.29 33.00 51.87 44.41
4 Slow Gun Murphy ES 348.15 67.36 61.85 61.82 30.00 71.59 55.53
5 Rimfire CAT 355.71 58.47 58.26 49.14 63.00 57.62 69.22
6 Trapper Charlie SS 359.79 82.79 60.59 54.78 28.00 64.20 69.43
7 Sequoia Kid SS 370.20 68.01 73.25 46.33 23.00 86.26 73.35
8 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 392.30 67.29 60.58 70.57 55.00 66.62 72.24
9 Dustin Checotah D 393.22 79.08 59.85 76.59 40.60 67.22 69.88
10 Dead Eye Dave CB 393.44 74.98 59.97 70.42 43.00 68.02 77.05
11 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 492.52 91.12 85.25 97.69 41.50 78.27 98.69
12 Scout S 496.54 97.37 71.51 86.88 84.50 71.30 84.98
13 Smiling John CAT 665.37 114.02 107.68 121.05 72.00 138.02 112.60

Clean Shooters
February 11, 2023
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Finish

Alias Score Place
Sequoia Kid 47.65 1
Papa Two Guns 50.42 2
Ripley Scrounger 52.99 3
Rimfire 53.16 4
Thompson Brook Larry 56.93 5
Dustin Checotah 63.85 6
Slow Gun Murphy 65.61 7
Trapper Charlie 66.43 8
Scout 70.76 9
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 76.82 10
Smiling John 139.61 11

Cowboy Action Match Results
January 21, 2023

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 244.54 54.88 48.50 43.21 10.00 44.52 43.43
2 Ripley Scrounger S 269.54 53.15 50.86 36.82 55.00 35.37 38.34
3 Papa Two Guns 49 364.35 64.81 46.48 53.96 100.00 44.96 54.14
4 Slow Gun Murphy ES 376.01 84.79 61.71 56.73 40.00 74.45 58.33
5 Trapper Charlie SS 399.04 150.00 62.20 60.82 20.00 54.12 51.90
6 Thompson Brook Larry SS 399.87 91.01 69.45 65.89 55.00 60.20 58.32
7 Rimfire CAT 412.71 77.11 62.94 58.00 90.00 61.23 63.43
8 Dead Eye Dave CB 413.75 92.29 68.50 91.04 30.00 69.71 62.21
9 Sequoia Kid SS 446.82 128.97 59.26 62.72 80.00 63.36 52.51
10 Dustin Checotah D 477.03 99.35 63.35 77.18 70.00 80.08 87.07
11 Hessian SS 527.88 88.07 92.38 66.69 120.00 79.82 80.92
12 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 566.51 106.03 89.46 76.07 110.00 105.32 79.63
13 Smiling John CAT 892.47 156.93 140.16 181.36 130.00 125.61 158.41

Clean Shooters
January 21, 2023
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Silver Senior 399.87 6 8

Alias Score Place
Ripley Scrounger 62.55 1
Papa Two Guns 62.61 2
Slow Gun Murphy 62.84 3
Trapper Charlie 75.76 4
Rimfire 76.77 5
Sequoia Kid 78.66 6
Thompson Brook Larry 85.91 7
Dustin Checotah 97.07 8
Lake View Bounty Hunter 107.59 9
Hessian 144.73 10
Smiling John 206.39 11


Cowboy Action Match Results
September 17, 2022

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 288.73 37.96 54.38 49.80 35.59 67.78 43.22
2 Sequoia Kid ES 310.18 41.15 50.85 55.63 41.11 62.66 58.78
3 Slow Gun Murphy ES 353.46 73.39 65.40 55.87 50.24 60.52 48.04
4 Dustin Checotah D 379.20 49.17 84.71 67.98 54.58 67.18 55.58
5 Rimfire CAT 397.58 57.44 64.38 75.63 57.87 87.43 54.83
6 Bigalow Ranger SS 414.20 65.69 82.38 62.69 56.93 81.80 64.71
7 Trapper Charlie ES 431.65 73.74 68.40 71.65 67.99 79.51 70.36
8 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 444.90 64.35 77.24 89.75 63.45 77.63 72.48
9 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 482.75 62.26 97.78 71.65 73.12 85.97 91.97
10 Dead Eye Dave CB 526.06 72.02 106.54 91.96 88.59 96.38 70.57

Cowboy Action Match Results
August 20, 2022

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 274.51 35.04 50.48 39.31 43.94 47.69 58.05
2 PaPa Two Guns 49 341.74 47.52 69.55 47.14 54.34 45.38 77.81
3 Slow Gun Murphy ES 345.01 47.62 60.41 48.79 64.97 43.97 79.25
4 Trapper Charlie ES 352.90 40.97 55.79 61.23 57.98 51.66 85.27
5 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 397.41 49.79 73.56 58.95 79.72 63.22 72.17
6 Dustin Checotah D 398.34 53.52 71.78 57.41 57.77 62.55 95.31
7 Bigalow Ranger SS 402.18 43.71 64.85 60.15 98.13 59.52 75.82
8 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 444.46 68.44 71.74 73.59 79.91 63.77 87.01
9 Sequoia Kid ES 517.99 86.31 81.58 82.97 100.12 64.85 102.16
10 Dead Eye Dave CB 562.22 77.82 78.19 95.97 113.71 89.20 107.33
11 Slippery Sauger WR 848.27 127.35 136.94 120.76 120.14 146.06 197.02

Cowboy Action Match Results
July 16, 2022

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger S 231.20 43.34 35.85 42.38 36.05 34.51 39.07
2 John Henry D 271.31 43.39 50.69 52.75 38.88 41.69 43.91
3 Hook M Upp 49 310.23 47.65 52.20 50.06 50.59 57.43 52.30
4 Papa Two Guns 49 375.06 57.98 61.59 64.99 53.63 52.74 84.13
5 Dustin Checotah D 377.27 67.59 51.92 68.90 76.74 52.89 59.23
6 Trapper Charlie ES 378.52 71.26 68.27 68.59 55.43 48.92 66.05
7 Slow Gun Murphy ES 385.41 65.10 56.60 54.28 70.85 67.11 71.47
8 Bigalow Ranger SS 393.10 70.74 69.49 63.80 58.33 77.54 53.20
9 Rimfire CAT 425.87 70.66 73.04 74.05 62.02 78.58 67.52
10 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 461.36 79.02 69.12 56.00 75.97 88.86 92.39
11 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 467.47 69.69 110.45 50.67 55.88 94.05 86.73
12 Dead Eye Dave CB 495.33 86.22 65.53 77.95 72.55 92.47 100.61
13 Sequoia Kid ES 565.30 106.00 74.02 87.15 72.94 111.94 113.25

Clean Shooters
July 16, 2022
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
46756 Ripley Scrounger Senior 231.2 1 1

Cowboy Action Match Results
June 11, 2022

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Rimfire CAT 335.37 47.35 59.29 59.94 64.14 55.54 49.11
2 Bigalow Ranger SS 337.60 40.31 59.15 52.62 68.17 61.19 56.16
3 Dustin Checotah D 349.01 44.06 61.67 49.62 69.12 62.53 62.01
4 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 399.08 49.96 71.29 60.88 79.18 73.94 63.83
5 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 414.54 74.29 76.09 57.69 79.73 58.51 68.23
6 Papa Two Guns 49 420.80 53.41 71.57 83.52 72.65 80.52 59.13
7 Slow Gun Murphy ES 430.27 57.12 67.37 82.82 75.47 90.35 57.14
8 Sequoia Kid SS 548.92 60.58 98.28 103.88 108.97 93.47 83.74
9 Smiling John CAT 872.22 111.74 183.08 130.90 170.66 133.24 142.60

Clean Shooters
June 11, 2022
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
999022 Rimfire Cattle Baron 335.37 1 2

Cowboy Action Match Results
March 19, 2022

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Hook M Up WR 228.11 42.44 55.95 41.96 5 42.40 40.36
2 Ripley Scrounger S 229.83 55.17 47.42 45.06 3 39.59 39.59
3 John Henry Div. 244.42 45.55 54.65 47.19 1 54.82 41.21
4 Rimfire CAT 260.52 47.98 57.69 54.79 2 49.66 48.40
5 Papa Two Guns 49 301.60 50.03 69.08 51.11 7 70.09 54.29
6 Thompson Brook Larry SS 306.10 57.42 65.93 58.71 10 56.56 57.48
7 Dead Eye Dave CB 339.95 68.94 73.73 51.96 4 71.95 69.37
8 Slow Gun Murphy SS 347.15 56.00 100.26 55.47 6 68.90 60.52
9 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 364.46 55.00 107.29 65.63 9 67.64 59.90
10 Sequoia Kid SS 391.75 72.46 79.16 94.91 8 69.57 67.65
11 Hessian SS 413.13 74.60 105.31 74.62 11 75.68 71.92

Clean Shooters
March 19, 2022
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Silver Senior 306.10 6 6

Alias Score Place
Hook M Up 42.40 1
Ripley Scrounger 50.94 2
Rimfire 57.20 3
Papa Two Guns 63.07 4
Slow Gun Murphy 72.58 5
Dead Eye Dave 81.14 6
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 84.26 7
Sequoia Kid 88.30 8
Hessian 89.00 9
Thompson Brook Larry 120.97 10

Cowboy Action Match Results
February 20, 2022

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Rimfire CAT 301.77 62.91 67.28 52.16 1 66.38 52.04
2 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 307.72 57.51 58.88 57.37 6 60.87 67.09
3 SLOW Gun Murphy SS 310.56 67.52 50.74 49.18 4 74.81 64.31
4 Dustin Checotah Div. 358.95 85.50 53.95 95.77 3 66.32 54.41
5 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 379.98 84.51 76.91 75.95 5 71.43 66.18
6 Dead Eye Dave CB 385.04 77.57 58.87 84.91 2 99.66 62.03
7 Scout S 478.11 140.53 85.73 77.65 7 94.78 72.42

Clean Shooters
February 20, 2022
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
999022 Rimfire Cattle Baron 301.77 1 1

Rimfire 51.79 1
Slow Gun Murhpy 62.62 2
Scout 65.65 3
Thompson Brook Larry 67.08 4
Dustin Checotah 89.31 5
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 97.26 6

Cowboy Action Match Results
January 15, 2022

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 191.47 40.67 36.62 34.66 1.00 32.98 45.54
2 Ripley Scrounger S 218.20 40.20 61.51 34.14 2.00 37.09 43.26
3 Sawdust Larry ES 231.30 41.51 44.94 48.32 4.00 40.01 52.52
4 Thompson Brook Larry SS 277.43 52.71 61.26 52.82 8.00 39.70 62.94
5 SLOW Gun Murphy SS 293.53 56.95 60.69 61.80 6.00 49.68 58.41
6 Dustin Checotah D 310.76 68.86 61.97 55.39 4.00 51.42 69.12
7 Dead Eye Dave CB 331.79 72.12 64.00 73.73 4.00 47.02 70.92
8 Smiling John CAT 477.74 87.83 113.77 91.11 7.00 70.99 107.04

Clean Shooters
January 15, 2022
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 2

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
39299 Smiling John Cattle Baron 477.74 8 8
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Silver Senior 277.43 4 4

Alias Score Place
Ripley Scrounger

46.32 1
Thompson Brook Larry

70.79 2
Sawdust Larry

72.35 3
Slow Gun Murphy

81.48 4
Dustin Checotah

91.42 5
Smiling John

166.34 6


Cowboy Action Match Results
September 20, 2021

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 223.38 31.50 47.14 39.69 40.54 38.94 25.57
2 Bigalow Ranger SS 298.76 41.41 63.25 47.99 52.42 60.04 33.65
3 Dustin Checotah D 300.85 38.65 54.53 51.25 64.85 54.53 37.04
4 Rimfire CAT 346.78 73.17 59.71 51.76 64.25 55.11 42.78
5 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 355.18 61.28 64.20 53.20 71.69 61.51 43.30
6 Dead Eye Dave CB 446.36 53.79 72.11 83.10 79.00 78.06 80.30
7 Sequoia Kid SS 506.00 135.84 87.55 61.43 91.73 78.44 51.01
8 Hessian SS 516.89 99.57 110.76 81.41 88.90 84.96 51.29
9 Smiling John O 745.49 90.48 147.95 141.60 113.85 136.74 114.87

Cowboy Action Match Results
August 21, 2021

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger S 213.51 34.26 36.57 32.40 47.43 32.03 30.82
2 John Henry CC 241.62 35.60 44.70 33.14 47.38 41.65 39.15
3 Hook M Upp 22 284.66 36.60 46.30 54.09 58.24 40.94 48.49
4 Trip Hammer S 299.79 44.45 46.09 52.73 57.73 52.32 46.47
5 Trapper Charlie 22 310.77 49.16 53.56 49.77 51.59 59.38 47.31
6 Dustin Checotah D 314.59 43.19 54.06 69.25 58.22 47.09 42.78
7 Rimfire 22 320.39 49.33 56.38 49.50 61.50 53.42 50.26
8 Longreach CB 336.91 76.24 49.18 53.46 61.86 50.03 46.14
9 SLOW Gun Murphy 22 349.20 58.34 55.25 53.57 83.71 46.63 51.70
10 Bigelow Ranger S 351.90 47.60 58.84 61.64 68.67 62.17 52.98
11 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 423.69 59.24 65.92 59.89 102.55 66.97 69.12
12 Sequoia Kid SS 509.11 74.21 68.19 68.62 141.68 97.33 59.08
13 Dead Eye Dave CB 514.00 77.57 92.22 69.64 120.05 72.50 82.02
14 Smiling John CAT 786.61 153.11 114.85 116.46 161.56 115.56 125.07

Clean Shooters
August 21, 2021
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 3

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
Rimfire 22 Long Rifle Class 320.39 7 8
Ripley Scrounger Senior 213.51 1 1

Alias Score Place

Cowboy Action Match Results
July 17, 2021

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger S 196.58 21.09 35.24 34.76 41.74 32.81 30.94
2 John Henry BW 268.10 27.38 45.10 43.62 73.73 39.78 38.49
3 Dangerous Dan ES 278.05 30.28 46.01 41.13 79.43 42.78 38.42
4 Dustin Checotah D 338.88 33.67 66.87 51.62 82.68 50.25 53.79
5 Sequoia Kid SS 373.24 26.05 59.71 58.79 84.85 87.19 56.65
6 Trapper Charlie SS 377.60 35.35 57.82 56.18 73.39 82.09 72.77
7 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 381.88 25.56 65.74 68.21 72.32 76.59 73.46
8 Thompson Brook Larry FCG 429.53 50.25 83.02 70.87 83.41 76.64 65.34
9 Dead Eye Dave B 434.96 51.80 70.02 76.30 83.85 74.05 78.94
10 Smiling John EP 695.76 69.46 133.92 118.13 123.66 124.15 126.44

Clean Shooters
July 17, 2021
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 3

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
45756 Ripley Scrounger Senior 196.58 1 1
66825 John Henry Duelist 240.10 2 2
39299 Smiling John Cattle Baron 695.76 10 10

Alias Score Place

Cowboy Action Match Results
June 12, 2021

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger S 263.26 42.44 37.16 36.85 30.67 42.01 74.13
2 Hook M Upp C 288.80 49.05 48.69 42.84 48.19 51.94 48.09
3 Dangerous Dan ES 316.68 68.41 55.74 46.35 39.01 55.48 51.69
4 Dustin Checotah D 343.65 66.14 66.73 47.55 57.03 49.39 56.81
5 Rim Fire CB 366.17 79.39 66.08 56.32 54.07 54.63 55.68
6 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 458.27 92.91 64.60 55.55 70.21 97.66 77.34
7 Trapper SS 482.88 81.27 84.38 83.37 70.67 87.25 75.94
8 Thompson Brook Larry FC 496.71 87.56 99.64 79.66 55.88 95.81 78.16
9 Sequoia Kid SS 518.30 103.90 74.55 82.69 67.40 110.02 79.74
10 Hessian ES 574.95 120.17 109.18 78.22 103.72 92.00 71.66
11 Smiling John EP 946.38 138.52 129.69 154.61 179.88 163.88 179.80

Cowboy Action Match Results
March 12, 2021

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 251.31 51.61 56.96 40.76 2.00 52.07 47.91
2 Bigalow Ranger S 306.80 67.18 65.52 55.40 7.50 53.70 57.50
3 Rimfire CAT 314.96 54.86 54.38 72.47 4.00 61.16 68.09
4 Dustin Checotah D 346.85 65.79 72.37 63.94 3.00 74.54 67.21
5 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 350.89 62.31 71.39 73.31 5.00 59.62 79.26
6 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 385.22 68.48 70.22 87.55 7.50 75.95 75.52
7 Dead Eye Dave YG 414.73 97.90 66.84 89.15 1.00 90.53 69.31
8 Scout S 474.43 95.11 82.61 90.61 9.00 100.76 96.34
9 Smiling John CAT 584.60 126.45 119.38 101.03 6.00 112.54 119.20

Clean Shooters
March 12, 2021
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 0

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final

Alias Score Place
Rimfire 55.59 1
Bigalow Ranger 64.28 2
Dustin Checotah 64.62 3
Thompson Brook Larry 69.12 4
Scout 105.63 5
Smiling John 108.05 6
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 152.56 7

Cowboy Action Match Results
February 20, 2021

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry 207.47 50.34 35.21 39.81 1.00 39.02 42.09
2 Sawdust Larry ES 267.08 67.72 42.63 54.62 3.50 47.63 50.98
3 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 288.40 66.19 50.26 45.76 3.50 50.76 71.93
4 Dustin Checotah Div. 355.24 83.25 80.59 53.20 5.00 70.31 62.89
5 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 390.17 86.26 77.83 72.46 2.00 85.66 65.96
6 Dead Eye Dave YG 425.97 112.19 64.38 83.11 7.00 62.07 97.22
7 Smiling John CAT 646.15 165.12 97.54 151.60 6.00 120.08 105.81

Clean Shooters
February 20, 2021
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 0

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final

Alias Score Place
Sawdust Larry 63.41 1
Thompson Brook Larry 71.59 2
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 77.97 3
Dustin Checotah 128.73 4
Smiling John 211.27 5

Cowboy Action Match Results
January 16, 2021

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Sawdust Larry ES 223.58 56.17 43.97 44.17 4.00 43.86 31.41
2 Hook M Upp WR 236.66 57.25 61.21 40.13 2.00 35.69 40.38
3 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 273.95 66.64 51.98 43.79 8.50 58.57 44.47
4 Rimfire CAT 284.37 80.59 59.39 53.97 3.00 44.64 42.78
5 Texas Red WR 295.60 78.32 62.11 52.71 5.00 49.42 48.04
6 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 318.89 80.31 67.36 49.85 7.00 57.39 56.98
7 Dustin Checotah D 327.05 79.28 66.72 57.94 1.00 67.55 54.56
8 Hop A Long CB 508.70 133.99 103.25 89.65 6.00 91.83 83.98
9 Smiling John CAT 577.46 153.07 94.14 110.92 10.00 92.92 116.14
10 Scout S 2274.58 999 999 95.44 8.50 80.76 91.88

Clean Shooters
January 2021
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
999029 Sawdust Larry
223.58 8 8

Alias Score Place
Hook M Up 48.72 1
Texas Red 64.56 2
Thompson Brook Larry 67.45 3
Rimfire 70.31 4
Dustin Checotah 71.36 5
Scout 87.75 6
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 95.38 7
Sawdust Larry 113.76 8
Hop Along 121.29 9
Smiling John 168.41 10


Cowboy Action Match Results
September 12, 2020

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Name Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Sawdust Larry ES 255.59 35.53 51.38 45.32 43.72 48.71 30.93
2 Rimfire CB 308.34 50.74 54.32 49.96 60.79 55.42 37.11
3 Dustin Checotah D 333.95 46.98 60.29 58.41 68.17 64.77 35.33
4 Long Tom FN 334.54 54.36 54.44 54.08 60.76 68.60 42.30
5 Bigalow Ranger SS 353.45 64.08 51.68 56.02 62.88 83.28 35.51
6 Thompson Brook Larry FCG 420.88 71.44 61.79 57.72 90.58 75.08 64.27
7 Smiling John EP 753.81 124.59 136.7 141.64 116.32 121.53 113.03

Cowboy Action Match Results
August 8, 2020

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Name Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Cranky Hank S 207.42 47.69 36.69 28.77 31.55 29.82 32.90
2 Rimfire CB 331.24 51.85 50.53 57.43 80.45 48.78 42.20
3 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 361.75 64.36 53.98 47.36 54.92 88.72 52.41
4 Dustin Checotah D 364.63 52.66 60.87 49.60 59.68 97.56 44.26
5 Trapper BW 385.91 66.65 64.29 86.43 54.49 54.50 59.55
6 SAWDUST LARRY ES 389.34 96.08 57.01 54.81 68.25 46.70 66.49
7 Thompson Brook Larry FCG 427.29 67.52 67.15 61.39 86.48 71.06 73.69
8 Bigalow Ranger SS 478.42 72.14 76.27 63.87 137.78 79.91 48.45
9 Smiling John EP 756.73 132.91 152.80 127.25 126.11 118.42 99.24

Cowboy Action Match Results
July 18, 2020

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Name Division Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 250.43 38.52 40.13 34.56 52.29 43.81 41.12
2 I C James C 251.60 38.74 43.17 42.40 44.22 49.23 33.84
3 N P Slim C 327.50 49.61 60.45 54.73 50.63 56.14 55.94
4 Rimfire CB 361.75 48.43 69.29 62.00 63.29 68.78 49.96
5 Dustin Checotah D 378.46 61.20 106.06 41.03 54.99 70.19 44.99
6 Bigalow Ranger SS 394.00 45.91 50.19 55.20 82.34 77.28 83.08
7 Trapper BW 407.09 53.65 52.97 68.21 81.07 92.17 59.02
8 Lakeview Bounty Hunter SS 429.18 48.72 82.34 55.38 73.80 87.95 80.99
9 Dead Eye Dave C 485.85 61.99 105.27 65.77 69.32 93.34 90.16
10 Thompson Brook Larry FCG 487.27 64.71 104.37 62.30 86.39 90.96 78.54
11 Grumpy Guns SS 488.35 64.03 91.40 66.82 90.84 83.02 92.24
12 Scout SS 611.50 110.36 107.50 82.26 96.88 99.99 114.51
13 Smiling John BW 721.92 78.52 139.09 98.87 113.21 172.09 120.14
14 SAWDUST LARRY ES - 38.00 42.97 59.48 85.32 44.99 -
15 Hookmup C - 36.40 52.30 35.22 50.53 61.47 -


Cowboy Action Match Results
January 12, 2019

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Division Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 191.47 47.98 37.11 34.50 3.50 32.22 36.16
2 John Henry D 223.58 56.29 39.13 53.68 1.00 34.82 38.66
3 Sawdust Larry SS 281.65 72.66 43.61 63.70 6.00 53.52 42.16
4 Thompson Brook Larry SS 282.72 69.61 48.42 55.13 7.00 44.37 58.19
5 Rirmfire SS 292.42 75.29 58.24 59.55 3.50 47.46 48.38
6 Dustin Checotah D 315.45 81.21 79.51 48.94 2.00 53.15 50.64
7 Bigalow Ranger S 322.03 74.24 69.18 59.32 5.00 57.91 56.38
8 Eustis Ridge Runner 49 353.30 85.13 74.03 74.72 10.00 55.93 53.49
9 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 365.60 93.57 58.89 69.12 9.00 57.95 77.07
10 Smiling John CAT 441.37 105.36 78.30 76.21 12.00 99.31 70.19
11 Red Ryder S 451.21 119.80 73.90 76.26 11.00 111.41 58.84
12 Trapper Charlie S 454.17 111.05 90.91 73.46 13.00 100.61 65.14
13 Dead Eye Dave YG 525.08 142.56 85.77 83.66 8.00 105.63 99.46
14 Hop A Long CB 626.23 141.45 105.52 99.03 14.00 137.13 129.10

Clean Shooters
January 12, 2019
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 3

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
999022 Rimfire Silver Senior 292.42 5 5
46756 Ripley Scrounge 49er 191.47 1 1
39299 Smiling John Cattle, Baron 441.37 10 10

Alias Score Place
Ripley Scrounger 58.08 1
Dustin Checotah 62.84 2
Thompson Brook Larry 65.68 3
Rimfire 69.23 4
Bigalow Ranger 85.40 5
Sawdust Larry 86.88 6
Eustis Ridge Runner 98.54 7
Smiling John 99.17 8
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 103.75 9
Trapper Charlie 120.40 10
Red Ryder 133.14 11
Hop A Long 157.26 12


Cowboy Action Match Results
August 26, 2018

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Division Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49 187.16 28.07 33.44 29.17 33.67 35.57 26.84
2 JC James CB 230.31 29.31 44.48 49.89 44.54 36.08 26.01
3 Bull Schlitz WR 235.08 29.11 46.94 43.67 34.22 50.12 31.02
4 Ornery Ike FC 288.15 40.98 55.61 44.31 42.88 56.75 47.62
5 Deadly Art SS 300.47 42 81 51.47 65.55 60.88 47.21 32.55
6 Hook M Upp, WR 305.12 41.11 60.12 38.13 66.21 65.61 33.94
7 Midnight Rider WR 308.21 48.47 60.57 43.69 55.53 67.37 32.58
8 Sawdust Larry ES 309.06 34.38 59.13 46.1 44.56 90.23 34.66
9 Rimfire CAT 311.38 49.91 48.56 50.65 60.34 53.53 48.39
10 Thompson Brook Larry G 313,38 55.48 55.48 51.63 56.17 53.05 41.57
11 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 334.84 59.11 67.39 39.54 51.48 69. 97 47.35
12 Dustin Checotah D 1249.2 999 45.81 62.84 46.48 56.52 38.55
13 Smiling John CAT 1469.4 999 96.31 88.54 102.47 113.42 69.66
14 Hop A Long CB 1815.87 999 223.8 153.1 153.84 176.17 109.96

Clean Shooters
August 16, 2018
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
46756 Ripley Scrounger 49er 187.16 1 1

Alias Score Place

Cowboy Action Match Results
July 21, 2018

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 197.02 40.28 32.67 31.79 28.13 33.76 30.39
2 Cranky Hank S 201.66 27.58 32.47 45.60 27.54 37.12 31.35
3 Ornery Ike FC 245.99 39.39 37.53 41.80 33.83 57.02 36.42
4 John Henry CC 246.07 50.71 38.59 40.58 40.69 39.31 36.19
5 Mustang Mabry 49 255.61 48.02 39.12 39.93 38,13 47.10 43.31
6 Bull Schlitz WR 270,58 42.70 40.00 49.81 44.86 46.20 47.01
7 JC James CB 274.87 58.46 43.16 36.86 41.05 57.18 38.16
8 Longreach CB 288.11 45.42 9.98 44.28 42.54 61.87 44.02
9 Sawdust Larry ES 300.70 50.54 60.36 56.55 40.81 46.11 46.33
10 Dustin Checotah D 313.31 39.86 53.12 47.92 45.93 63.71 62.77
11 Thompson Brook Larry SS 317.14 51.63 58.35 49.30 47.38 62.73 47.75
12 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 332.46 55.49 70.68 54.81 42.44 64.89 44.15
13 Bigalow Ranger S 372.28 69.79 66.88 53.65 56.03 72,64 54.29
14 Half Moon Hobo SS 375.62 61.02 54.18 58.44 69.10 60.56 72.32
15 Trapper Charlie SS 442.94 79.43 81.40 59.10 92.98 83.41 46.62
16 Dead Eye Dave BR 541.93 71.45 80,42 104.37 66.78 114.45 104.46
17 Smiling John CAT 542.57 92.78 78.05 104.63 93.81 90.58 82.72

Clean Shooters
July 21, 2018
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 3

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
66825 John Henry Classic Cowboy 246.07 4 4
48956 Mustang Mabry 49er 255.61 5 5
46756 Ripley Scrounger 49er 197.02 1 1

Alias Score Place

Cowboy Action Match Results
June 24, 2018

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ornery Ike FC 261.36 44.49 35.60 48.27 42.33 54.37 36.30
2 Dangerous Dan SD 269.34 46.12 41.33 44.80 58.25 48.39 30.45
3 Deadly Art SS 274.06 41.63 39.16 49.43 55.05 56.16 32.63
4 Thompson Brook Larry SS 283.36 42.51 43.38 55.47 55.72 50.84 35.44
5 Sawdust Larry ES 306.50 57.29 39.51 49.93 46.62 83.60 29.55
6 Rimfire CAT 313.67 47.25 44.64 58.42 69.65 51.30 42.41
7 Dustin Checotah D 335.88 69.96 39.16 61.31 59.67 57.75 48.03
8 Bigalow Ranger S 345.07 52.66 56.25 63.39 71.79 54.25 46.73
9 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 375.21 55.63 49.57 95.66 78.34 57.91 38.10
10 Trapper Charlie SS 426.01 83.36 76.81 77.15 70.20 79.16 39.33
11 Smiling John CAT 649.91 80.91 99.23 118.98 142.30 132.27 76.22

Clean Shooters
June 24, 2018
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 2

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
39299 Smiling John Cattle Baron 649.91 11 11
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Silver Senior 283.36 4 4

Cowboy Action Match Results
March 24, 2018

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 196.37 47.72 42.53 32.71 4.00 34.42 34.99
2 John Henry D 206.51 47.47 48.71 38.63 2.50 35.13 34.07
3 JC James CB 209.89 57.22 34.32 35.19 2.50 46.42 34.24
4 Sawdust Larry SS 231.54 61.28 40.27 38.47 7.00 47.85 36.67
5 Puddle Jumper CB 233.60 63.64 42.92 40.74 1.00 41.45 43.85
6 Thompson Brook Larry SS 273.71 70.68 53.36 50.89 5.00 46.28 47.50
7 Hook M Upp WR 276.09 61.15 50.37 51.13 10.00 63.76 39.68
8 Rimfire SS 284.65 66.38 50.15 60.08 5.00 55.44 47.60
9 Bigalow Ranger S 300.21 62.79 82.94 39.62 11.00 52.65 51.21
10 Hessian .SS 330.11 74.94 61.95 52.67 13.00 72.23 55.32
11 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 342.39 86.98 60.52 64.72 8.00 66.01 56.16
12 Dustin Checotah D 390.94 134.48 71.02 50.93 6.00 59.04 69.47
13 Smiling John CAT 470.17 117.62 91.47 83.55 14.00 87.95 75.58
14 Easy Ride SS 493.70 97.61 128.12 77.66 15.00 87.88 87.43
15 Dead Eye Dave BR 494.86 130.74 82.43 77.97 12.00 108.44 83.28

Clean Shooters
March 24, 2018
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 2

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
39299 Smiling John Cattle Baron 470.17 13 14
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Silver Senior 273.71 6 6

Alias Score Place
Hook M Upp 44.48 1
Ripley Scrounger 62.41 2
Rimfire 71.40 3
Dustin Checotah 78.00 4
Hessian 79.39 5
Thompson Brook Larry 88.97 6
Puddle Jumper 105.24 7
Sawdust Larry 108.30 8
Easy Ryder 114.99 9
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 132.30 10
Smiling John 167.16 11

Cowboy Action Match Results
February 10, 2018

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 192.47 33.57 35.61 37.91 1.00 42.82 41.56
2 Ripley Scrounger 49er 212.82 35.97 44.88 37.62 6.00 40.41 47.94
3 sawdust Larry SS 222.31 46.63 49.12 41.46 2.00 42.19 40.91
4 JC James YG 236.88 39.38 37.93 50.16 4.00 59.88 45.53
5 Thompson Brook Larry G 270.99 46.04 51.33 56.09 7.00 61.85 48.68
6 Rimfire SS 274.82 48.28 48.68 52.02 5.00 58.16 62.68
7 Dustin Checotah D 343.83 80.05 53.56 53.37 8.00 72.25 76.60
8 Hessian SS 355.90 60.44 67.53 74.53 10.00 63.55 79.85
9 Dad Eye Dave BR 429.89 80.33 81.28 100.06 9.00 85.16 74.06
10 Smiling John CAT 449.59 71.22 94.76 79.76 3.00 93.37 105.48
11 Red Ryder S 462.68 81.12 66.19 87.69 11.00 125.32 91.36

Clean Shooters
February 10, 2018
No Misses or Procedural 3
Total Number Of Clean Shooters

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
66825 John Henry Duelist 192.47 1 1
39299 Smiling John Cattle Baron 449.59 10 9
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Gunfighter 270.99 5 6

Alias Score Place
Ripley Scrounger 52.53 1
Rimfire 71.10 2
Dustin Checotah 73.12 3
Thompson Brook Larry 73.66 4
Sawdust Larry 74.45 5
Hessian 101.66 6
Smiling John 113.58 7
Red Ryder 119.42 8

Cowboy Action Match Results
January 20, 2018

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 191.40 38.23 36.95 35.25 2.00 36.41 42.56
2 Sawdust Larry ES 236.93 36.06 50.70 45.63 3.00 63.03 38.51
3 Rimfire ES 252.79 55.72 48.06 48.95 1.00 51.45 47.61
4 Hook M Upp WR 253.32 44.65 68.23 48.97 8.00 47.81 35.66
5 Bigalow Ranger S 255.68 59.13 53.83 45.37 6.00 47.55 43.80
6 Thompson Brook Larry SS 300.09 64.06 57.36 47.90 5.00 59.25 66.52
7 Dustin Checotah D 314.49 60.72 51.99 60.46 4.00 60.86 76.46
8 Hessian ES 342.42 84.83 64.65 65.63 7.00 59.49 60.82
9 Smilng John CAT 460.69 92.44 91.33 91.04 9.00 86.92 89.96
10 Red Ryder S 479.20 114.75 81.16 99.12 10.00 93.37 80.80

Clean Shooters
January 20, 2018
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 3

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
999022 Rimfire Elder Statesmen 252.79 3 3
46756 Ripley Scrounger 49er 191.40 1 1
39299 Smiling John Cattle Baron 460.69 9 9

Alias Score Place
Ripley Scrounger 40.25 1
Hook M Upp 41.26 2
Thompson Brook Larry 54.00 3
Rimfire 57.29 4
Bigalow Ranger 63.18 5
Dustin Checotah 63.85 6
Sawdust Larry 65.88 7
Red Ryder 82.55 8
Smiling John 107.08 9
Hessian 116.21 10


Cowboy Action Match Results
September 17, 2017

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 190.90 28.81 32.46 29.02 31.28 34.72 34.61
2 JC James YG 248.18 32.02 39.15 37.41 50.64 41.94 47.02
3 John Henry D 254.70 45.22 38.81 38.89 43.09 45.61 43.08
4 Ornery Ike FC 275.64 37.77 40.67 44.77 43.94 54.28 54.21
5 NP Slim YG 307.27 40.75 60.70 54.55 45.02 50.03 56.22
6 Sebec Ranger RB 314.90 37.23 57.89 65.03 64.34 44.11 46.30
7 Thompson Brook Larry SS 319.69 45.08 51.29 46.02 56.60 57.92 62.78
8 Sawdust Larry ES 333.23 45.95 93.08 52.87 44.95 46.00 50.38
9 Dustin Checotah D 334.15 50.19 51.91 64.12 58.87 47.97 61.09
10 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 340.50 43.46 51.27 60.41 74.23 54.68 56.45
11 Rimfire SS 348.85 48.37 51.9 68.59 66.25 56.67 57.07
12 Ripley Lilly LS 351.91 51.07 61.53 62.38 48.75 59.96 68.22
13 Grumpy Guns SS 469.08 59.99 72.08 87.95 82.35 73.65 93.06
14 Dead Eye Dave BR 547.23 88.01 103.57 75.37 94.15 85.82 100.31
15 Smiling John CAT 744.78 114.84 119.99 113.90 125.63 112.33 158.09

Clean Shooters
September 17, 2017
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 1

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
46756 Ripley Scrounger 49er 190.90 1 1

Cowboy Action Match Results
August 27, 2017

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Rootin Tootin Tim 49er 179.19 20.59 28.69 24.91 59.52 23.41 22.07
2 Ripley Scrounger 49er 182.73 26.69 37.39 28.44 37.47 26.89 25.85
3 Steal Plate Nate D 236.87 32.31 44.32 37.23 50.45 38.46 34.10
4 Ornery Ike S 244.30 39.36 55.73 38.81 45.12 28.99 36.29
5 Dangerous Dan SD 246.99 33.68 46.29 36.81 49.15 37.76 43.30
6 Bull Schlitz WR 251.38 36.36 49.26 32.85 40.48 45.19 47.24
7 No Nonsense Nancy L49 257.97 49.30 41.98 43.38 43.76 43.83 35.72
8 Hook M Upp WR 278.54 33.61 63.51 42.79 49.36 39.86 49.41
9 Thompson Brook Larry S 282.82 39.84 53.24 42.90 46.14 43.72 56.98
10 Dustin Checotah D 301.88 59.32 47.20 55.11 55.21 45.15 39.89
11 Midnight Rider WR 304.61 39.57 65.21 45.27 58.34 46.54 49.68
12 Sebec Ranger RB 309.51 35.74 50.63 73.58 49.25 41.52 58.79
13 Deadly Art SS 311.59 44.63 49.79 58.83 70.67 47.41 40.26
14 NP Slim YG 320.07 39.99 48.03 58.68 59.03 64.83 49.51
15 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 321.87 55.91 59.46 44.54 65.59 46.55 49.82
16 Ripley Lilly LS 337.69 45.10 53.78 55.54 71.30 62.89 49.08
17 Sand Crook Reveant S 341.88 47.41 54.51 57.51 86.57 51.03 44.85
18 Rimfire RB 349.61 61.28 53.87 49.96 65.88 61.20 57.42
19 Lead Ball Lamert S 387.74 60.42 67.18 58.00 89.73 60.60 51.81
20 Grumpy Guns SS 404.76 61.43 70.32 61.27 90.97 58.66 62.11
21 Trapper Charlie S 476.50 77.70 71.86 66.72 112.38 71.30 76.54
22 Bigalow Ranger S 490.22 70.65 52.43 73.11 99.52 100.61 93.90
23 Smiling John RB 661.20 91.09 125.45 114.39 127.37 103.62 99.28

Clean Shooters
August 27, 2017
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 2

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
46756 Ripley Scrounger 49er 182.73 2 1
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Senior 282.82 9 9

Cowboy Action Match Results
July 15, 2017

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 222.52 32.03 48.59 38.89 32.53 36.42 34.06
2 John Henry D 246.82 44.24 38.91 40.38 41.80 41.59 39.9
3 JC James YG 259.67 56.49 36.48 37.94 37.52 47.97 43.27
4 Halfmoon Hobo SS 280.93 44.51 53.02 48.17 42.03 52.82 40.38
5 Dustin Checotah D 301.56 47.86 44.75 57.31 51.60 51.32 48.72
6 Dangerous Dan SD 337.24 53.15 74.97 44.87 46.64 63.58 54.03
7 Sebec Ranger RB 350.63 66.54 66.85 48.71 54.77 64.03 49.73
8 Bigalow Ranger S 365.09 67.58 58.82 65.73 64.57 52.80 55.59
9 Sawdust Larry ES 370.34 56.03 80.06 62.71 46.66 58.85 66.03
10 Deadly Art SS 371.25 66.96 73.37 54.12 55.73 73.74 47.33
11 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 391.94 64.18 73.23 48.10 73.30 66.92 66.21
12 Ripley Lily LS 396.19 66.23 66.67 61.89 65.49 83.13 52.78
13 Farm Boy SS 413.18 69.36 74.61 83.31 62.48 54.38 69.04
14 Grumpy Guns SS 426.71 57.93 78.92 70.27 79.61 69.60 70.38
15 Trapper Charlie SS 551.41 92.87 96.26 89.55 96.63 104.44 71.66
16 Dead Eye Dave JB 613.06 120.52 91.44 87.35 98.34 118.21 97.2
17 Smiling John Check 679.16 129.15 109.59 119.16 89.91 131.32 100.03
- Thompson Brook Larry FCG - - - - - - -0

Clean Shooters
July 15, 2017
No Misses or Procedural 3
Total Number Of Clean Shooters

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
999028 Grumpy Guns

39299 Smiling John

46756 Ripley Scrounger

Cowboy Action Match Results
June 10, 2017

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 182.64 26.92 28.15 33.27 29.87 33.25 31.18
2 Steel Plate Nate D 242.23 41.76 37.03 47.58 40.86 41.29 33.71
3 Sebec Ranger RB 261.78 31.49 45.67 48.42 42.76 46.62 46.82
4 Dangerous Dan SD 283.48 38.85 37.71 48.91 45.27 55.30 57.44
5 Dustin Checotah D 291.90 36.94 39.07 58.29 51.85 59.16 46.59
6 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 357.15 36.09 38.30 73.62 44.89 58.60 105.65
7 Thompson Brook Larry FCG 336.43 56.71 65.42 52.79 53.35 49.56 58.60
8 Ripley Lily LS 338.18 42.81 45.55 76.46 60.16 56.11 57.09
9 Deadly Art SS 352.68 64.86 48.16 64.15 50.83 70.94 53.74
10 Bigalow Range S 367.45 44.86 63.24 65.09 69.76 73.03 51.47
11 Lead Ball Lemert S 443.68 69.60 64.48 74.43 82.90 84.34 67.93
12 Smiling John ES 690.98 108.14 93.94 137.12 84.30 137.37 130.11

Clean Shooters
June 10, 2017
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 2

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
46756 Ripley Scrounger

39299 Smiling John

Cowboy Action Match Results
March 11, 2017

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 179.32 37.31 35.47 30.51 5.50 35.99 34.54
2 John Henry D 195.82 40.80 38.58 43.38 2.00 40.45 30.61
3 JC James YG 202.18 41.26 29.36 35.73 1.00 54.88 39.95
4 Sawdust Larry SS 241.72 67.54 37.58 43.88 7.00 43.61 42.11
5 Thompson Brook Larry G 243.57 50.28 46.46 45.70 4.00 53.21 43.92
6 Dustin Checotah D 281.58 67.34 53.91 52.74 5.50 58.41 43.68
7 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 276.13 58.18 56.59 48.42 9.00 58.52 45.42
8 Smiling John CAT 378.93 83.28 67.56 68.23 3.00 80.43 76.43
9 Dead Eye Dave BR 407.60 90.96 92.08 71.74 8.00 84.98 59.84
10 Easy Ride SS 472.22 112.52 70.48 111.54 10.00 87.24 80.44

Clean Shooters
March 11, 2017
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 3

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
46756 Ripley Scrounger 49er 179.32 1 1
39299 Smiling John Cattle Baron 378.93 8 8
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Gunfighter 243.57 5 5

Alias Score Place
Ripley Scrounger 36.00 1
Thompson Brook Larry 54.77 2
Sawdust Larry 56.66 3
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 65.27 4
Dustin Checotah 67.32 5
Smiling John 89.66 6
Easy Ride 95.25 7

Cowboy Action Match Results
February 11, 2017

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 189.40 41.56 35.35 36.25 2.00 37.41 36.89
2 JC James YG 205.35 47.71 34.07 38.95 4.50 42.32 37.80
3 John Henry G 237.46 46.35 50.83 44.64 1.00 51.51 43.13
4 Dustin Checotah D 250.66 67.31 43.23 43.78 3.00 45.22 48.12
5 Thompson Brook Larry S 267.95 56.40 49.69 54.20 4.50 51.85 51.31
6 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 304.44 68.38 48.45 56.35 7.00 51.26 73.00
7 Bigalow Ranger S 297.95 55.50 58.73 63.92 6.00 60.96 52.84
8 Smiling John CAT 416.23 90.82 84.66 80.64 8.00 76.18 75.93

Clean Shooters
February 11, 2017
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 3

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
45923 Dustin Checotah Duelist 250.66 4 4
46756 Ripley Scrounger 49er 189.46 1 1
39299 Smiling John Cattle Baron 416.23 8 8

Alias Score Place
Ripley Scrounger 48.01 1
Bigalow Ranger 55.38 2
JC James 55.62 3
Dustin Checotah 60.34 4
Thompson Brook Larry 60.84 5
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 61.33 6
Smiling John 117.78 7

Cowboy Action Match Results
January 21, 2017

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 John Henry D 197.59 41.16 34.17 41.70 1.00 42.76 36.74
2 Puddle Jumper CB 216.77 47.51 34.05 41.38 6.00 47.63 40.20
3 JC James YG 224.02 40.29 47.69 38.81 3.00 51.41 42.82
4 Ripley Scrounger 49er 241.58 38.76 49.37 71.40 2.00 44.39 35.66
5 Sawdust Larry SS 234.43 45.24 37.47 54.84 4.00 52.26 40.62
6 Thompson Brook Larry G 279.86 51.80 46.55 64.69 7.00 58.18 51.64
7 Dustin Checotah D 288.97 56.03 60.05 51.86 5.00 68,74 47.29
8 Bigalow Ranger S 293.27 53.43 49.94 61.91 11.00 63.34 53.65
9 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 314.61 52.05 65.60 67.80 9.00 66.95 53.21
10 Smiling John CAT 463.21 95.04 77.89 78.28 8.00 112.84 91.16
11 Dead Eye Dave BR 460.36 111.03 74.89 81.92 10.00 108.55 73.97

Clean Shooters
January 21, 2017
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 2

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
999046 Puddle Jumper Cowboy 216.77 2 2
80687 Thompson Brook Larry Gunfighter 279.86 6 6

Alias Score Place
Ripley Scrounger 48.21 1
Thompson Brook Larry 57.99 2
Bigalow Ranger 66.52 3
Sawdust Larry 68.99 4
Puddle Jumper 69.48 5
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 71.10 6
Smiling John 85.32 7


Cowboy Action Match Results
September 25, 2016

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Sebec Ranger ES 234.27 25.62 34.22 32.03 36.22 57.35 48.83
2 Dustin Checotah D 239.11 27.36 39.39 51.46 40.86 36.64 43.40
3 Puddle Jumper CB 274.94 32.49 49.13 46.90 56.24 43.25 46.93
4 Bigalow Ranger S 280.82 29.02 45.70 50.57 46.35 54.50 54.68
5 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 286.73 39.46 57.69 36.21 60.59 43.38 49.40
6 Sawdust Larry SS 304.94 38.45 55.99 41.41 60.69 60.80 47.60
7 NP Slim YG 322.92 32.37 72.06 48.26 66.23 48.09 55.91
8 Grumpy Guns SS 329.50 32.74 62.34 65.01 58.56 49.94 60.91
9 The Moose Man CB 349.85 59.96 56.81 56.35 48.36 65.92 62.45
10 Lad Ball Lamert FC 406.42 44.50 59.83 57.46 84.99 97.21 62.43

Clean Shooters
September 25, 2016
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 2

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final
45923 Dustin Checotah Duelist 239.11 2 2
999028 Grumpy Guns Silver Senior 329.50 8 8

Alias Score Place
Sebec Ranger 234.27 1
Puddle Jumper 274.94 3
Bigalow Ranger 280.82 4
Lakeview Bounty Hunter 286.73 5
Sawdust Larry 304.94 6
NP Slim 322.92 7
The Moose Man 349.85 9
Lead Ball Lamert 406.42 10

Cowboy Action Match Results
August 28, 2016

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49er 173.14 20 .31 24.27 30.82 35.00 36.65 26.09
2 Rootin Tootin Tim 49er 181.36 22.57 19.57 48.25 28.68 32.54 29.75
3 John Henry WR 198.74 22.10 31.48 31.35 45.15 36.95 31.71
4 No Nonsense Nancy L49 214.62 23.84 37.46 33.16 50.62 36.61 32.93
5 Steelman ES 250.27 20.24 29.48 38.07 80.00 36.95 45.53
6 Dangerous Dan SD 268.26 50.20 38.04 43.86 56.74 44.02 35.40
7 JC James YG 279.36 30.52 49.21 58.60 52.99 47.01 41.03
8 Dustin Checotah D 289.49 30.59 38.88 39.31 65.98 68.69 46.04
9 Ornery Ike PC 300.07 46.73 42.93 45.40 69.10 57.20 38.71
10 Sebec Ranger ES 336.43 27.01 34.01 83.46 85.10 61.08 45.77
11 Ripley Lilly LS 339.08 37.64 43.97 67.68 82.36 63.24 44.19
12 NP Slim YG 347.52 69.39 49.84 45.56 67.98 53.50 61.25
13 Sand Creek Reveant S 354.96 40.94 46.62 55.53 74.38 75.95 61.54
14 Deadly Art SS 348.39 50.50 53.21 50.49 75.94 65.03 53.22
15 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 370.63 54.85 51.59 50.30 77.06 77.96 58.87
16 Bigalow Ranger S 399.50 46.26 45.25 62.17 79.83 99.82 66.17
17 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 389.22 46.32 70.95 80.71 85.44 58.40 47.40
18 Grumpy Guns SS 412.98 42.13 66.14 70.80 85.24 86.35 62. 32
19 Dead Eye Dave BR 576.59 60.29 91.45 87.46 115.74 103.20 118.45
20 Smiling John CAT 619.02 64.33 70.27 92.38 145.32 137.36 109.36

Clean Shooters
August 28, 2016
No Misses or Procedural
Total Number Of Clean Shooters 0

Final Final Rank
SASS Number Alias Category Time Time Final

Alias Score Place
46756 Ripley Scrounger 173.14 1
57091 Rootin Tootin Tim 181.36 2
66825 John Henry 198.74 3
57092 No Nonsense Nancy 214.62 4
49633 Steelman 250.27 5
30525 Dangerous Dan 268.26 6
999000 JC James 279.36 7
45923 Dustin Checotah 289.49 8
93832 Ornery Ike 300.07 9
46174 Sebec Ranger 336.43 10
47748 Ripley Lilly 339.08 11
999007 NP Slim 347.52 12
104498 Deadly Art 348.39 13
99045 Sand Creek Revean 354.96 14
80687 Thompson Brook Larry 370.63 15
999008 Lakeview Bounty Hunter 389.22 16
83277 Bigalow Ranger 399.50 17
999028 Grumpy Guns 412.98 18
999044 Dead Eye Dave 576.59 19
39299 Smiling John 619.02 20

Cowboy Action Match Results
July 18, 2016

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Steelman CB 191.76 24.48 35.53 32.31 40.23 28.16 31.05
2 Sebec Ranger CB 221.07 35.01 36.38 42.08 43.16 29.75 34.69
3 Dangerous Dan SG 238.55 39.38 41.45 33.26 42.93 41.88 39.65
4 Halfmoon Hobo SS 242.49 37.74 40.58 35.67 54.48 33.73 40.29
5 Mustang Mayberry 49 245.98 30.98 37.51 48.67 47.58 39.02 42.22
6 Rimfire ES 267.06 45.08 29.30 52.86 51.66 45.57 42.59
7 Dustin Checotah D 272.41 37.15 47.58 47.46 42.36 41.87 55.99
8 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 288.23 43.09 49.15 60.88 46.59 44.17 44.35
9 Long Tom 49 293.83 37.89 47.35 53.32 64.67 45.00 45.60
10 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 309.76 38.84 58.41 44.80 61.59 44.63 61.49
11 Bigalow Ranger S 327.24 47.71 60.37 66.46 50.84 51.19 50.67
12 N P Slim JB 336.24 48.60 55.21 61.87 65.78 54.63 50.15
13 Sandcreek Revanant S 372.78 48.26 64.24 46.79 64.66 78.24 70.59
14 Grumpy Guns SS 482.91 69.84 87.14 123.69 68.10 80.79 53.35
15 Smilin' John SS 566.34 75.01 78.02 106.53 90.25 108.93 107.60
16 Jersey George 49 684.84 140.00 150.00 111.86 90.23 94.62 98.13

Cowboy Action Match Results
July 16, 2016

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Rank Alias Div. Time Final Final Final Final Final Final
1 Ripley Scrounger 49 184.11 25.18 34.00 30.77 28.20 31.96 34.00
2 Steelman CB 222.24 25.90 33.69 38.87 52.89 37.35 33.54
3 Ornery Ike CB 235.79 33.43 37.32 37.68 39.55 35.02 52.79
4 John Henry D 251.19 33.57 40.43 36.23 55.16 39.75 46.05
5 J C James YG 278.47 39.90 50.78 53.42 55.29 37.27 41.81
6 Hookem Up CCB 307.19 44.80 52.99 38.91 72.08 45.31 53.10
7 Rimfire ES 311.60 47.72 61.49 53.11 50.66 51.53 47.09
8 Dustin Chacotah D 316.07 47.65 63.13 53.42 53.60 56.11 42.16
9 Halfmoon Hobo SGF 322.88 66.87 52.94 60.65 47.47 54.35 40.60
10 Ripley Lily LS 337.34 57.59 62.15 52.16 56.46 58.41 50.57
11 Lakeview Bounty Hunter S 337.84 49.32 55.88 52.35 73.44 60.12 46.73
12 Thompson Brook Larry FCGF 344.32 59.98 57.03 55.25 54.49 54.79 62.78
13 N P Slim YG 353.63 65.61 65.07 58.83 59.32 49.45 55.35
14 Sandcreek Revenant S 359.31 48.75 56.95 55.97 69.84 62.42 65.38
15 Bigalow Ranger S 400.92 52.06 82.79 85.76 61.90 70.76 47.65
16 Grumpy Guns SS 464.46 61.06 88.66 73.93 88.07 76.02 76.72
17 Deadeye Dave B 641.00 86.55 115.28 93.94 111.29 106.59 127.35

All Rights Reserved © Copyright
Big Pine Gun Club